Got invited to a rather spiffing party last night. An artist called Stephen's birthday bash in his flat, part of an old Gothic style mansion high up in Hyndland and looking out across the whole of Glasgow. There was only one stipulation... bring some food that'll look good on a light box. After a bit of brain racking I slipped off across Kelvingrove Park to the fishmonger.
A Tom Yam soup cube was dissolved in water, strained through a coffee filter then added to melted gelatin leaf. Next the uncooked prawn and his partner in jelly were popped in and the lot got chilled for a few hours.
The idea being that when ready to eat, the whole lot gets popped in a microwave to cook the fish and liquefy the jelly.

I popped my fishy offering amongst the other food and part of a massive mosaic he's currently working on. Over the course of the evening just about everything got munched, just about...
Hey Splodge. You cook a great meal that I have enjoyed many a time. But you have out Koreaned the Koreans with that one. And I have been there. That is far to freaky to eat.