It costs four pounds and twenty five pence. A figure that seems ancient for something worthwhile. If time travel was an option, for the same money, you could splash out on the world's first car, your grandparent's house, a slap up meal in a Hovercraft (for two)... or... a drinkable wine from a decade ago.
Given the exchange rate, I have absolutely no idea how the Co-op sells this so cheap. It can't be easy 'co-operating' with grape farmers, wine makers and shippers at this price. This Soave is not sophisticated and smells of little, but it tastes of pears and grapefruit and goes down a treat. What an incredible bargain.
Soave 2010: The co-operative's own label: £4.25
have you seen the ingredient list??? I mean ingredient list...on a bottle of wine... you obviously have no idea about what a good wine is
ReplyDeletehaha yeah the whole co-op range has an ingredient list, an honest yet frightening addition to the label Anonymous. With the exception of biodynamic and natural wines, it would be the same for most 'good wine' if they all listed the ingredients. This Soave was never going to win awards but for £4.25 it was a remarkably quaffable drink. For an extra 20 pence or so their own label Chilean Chardonnay's better, although someone I know drank more than one bottle of an evening and suffered severely... allergic reaction to one of the ingredients perhaps.
ReplyDeleteHi there, sorry to comment on an old post, but I stumbled across it whilst Googling, as I also recently had an allergic reaction to a Co-op white wine (Soave). I wondered if the friend you refer to ever found out which ingredient caused it? I do think it's strange that Co-op list all the ingredients on the label. Please feel free to email me if you know any more on this topic (richard dot banks at gmail)
ReplyDeleteHi there, sorry to comment on an old post, but I stumbled across it whilst Googling, as I also recently had an allergic reaction to a Co-op white wine (Soave). I wondered if the friend you refer to ever found out which ingredient caused it? I do think it's strange that Co-op list all the ingredients on the label. Please feel free to email me if you know any more on this topic (richard dot banks at gmail)